Alfredo Ugarte

Alfredo Ugarte is an entomologist with a degree in agronomy and specialization in phytotechnology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, as well as a master’s degree from the Museum of Natural History in New York.
From 1980 to 1995, Alfredo worked with entomologist and naturalist Luis Peña Guzmán, and he has also collaborated with other renowned entomologists such as Dr. Jeromy Rozen (AMNH) and Laurens Packer (York University of Canada).
Alfredo has contributed to several studies as an advisor, scientist, evaluator, or project leader, and has published numerous works in Chile on the topic of insects. He also served as the scientific advisor and entomological producer for Wild Space Productions Limited (NETFLIX) in the documentary “Our Great National Parks,” which was filmed in Conguillio National Park in 2020.
His extensive knowledge of fauna and entomology has been shared with our Explora guides through classes in various guide schools.